Free Templates

These templates are a part of my new E-book CPR: The Formula To Thrive In Life.

Scarcity Mindset Template

Scarcity mindset means the feeling of not being ‘good enough’ or there ‘isn’t enough’. With this mindset, everything is limited, scarce, unavailable, a race, fixed and leading to failure.

To know how the mind feels during this mindset and understand your own – download the FREE DIY Template below.

Once you fill in the empty template – please upload on your Instagram page and tag us – you will receive the first 3 chapters of the book FREE!

Limiting Belief Template

Limiting Beliefs are usually formed in childhood; but they get carried into our adulthood too through direct or indirect experiences. These beliefs operate subconsciously; as it is a way to keep our mind safe.

To know how we pick limiting beliefs and understand your own – download the FREE DIY Template below.

Once you fill in the empty template – please upload on your Instagram page and tag us – you will receive the first 3 chapters of the book FREE!

CPR: The Formula To Thrive In Life

The above templates are a part of my new E-book CPR: The Formula To Thrive In Life. Filled with similar practical ideas and DIY templates its your GO-TO guide to thrive in life.